Angier Rotary Supports Taylor Davenport’s Troop 125 Eagle Scout Flag Drop Project

Taylor Davenport has supported the Rotary Club of Angier for more than 6 years during our events like the Mother’s Day Plant Sale and Flags For Heroes. It was Angier Rotary’s pleasure to support him during the presentation of his Eagle Scout Project completed in partnership with VFW Post 6983 on January 10th in the VFW parking lot. In attendance of the ceremony were Rotary President Tammy Farley and Angie Ceroli, several Troup 125 Scouts and leaders, the Angier Mayor and some commissioners and Davenport’s parents and friends.

As a senior at Harnett Central High School (HCHS), Taylor has established his footprint as an Eagle Scout, musician/singer and a dependable, honorable young man with his many volunteer hours in the community and with the Rotary Club of Angier.

The Jan 10th ceremony for Taylor’s presentation of his Eagle Project was as follows:

Once the HCHS ROTC presented the Colors and Taylor beautifully sang the National anthem, the Invocation prayer was completed. The Mayor welcomed those in attendance of the ceremony and Scout Master Al Bain offered words of encouragement.  This was followed by John Mott, Commander of the Angier VFW Post 6983, introducing Taylor who described how his project was developed in partnership with the VFW and the Town of Angier. Davenport procured book drop boxes from the Harnett County library system, cleaned and refurbished them to be used for collection of worn and tattered United States flags. He then worked with Jim Kazakavage at Legacy Design and Graphics to finalize the box design as seen in the pictures below. Credit was given to Wayne Davenport, Taylor’s father, for his help in constructing concrete bases for the boxes at the VFW location and the Town Hall Annex in Angier.

During this dedication of the Flag Drop boxes, several donated flags were properly burned after a moment of silence as each was presented -see the pictures.


Pictured are:

  • Photo #1: The HCHS JROTC posting the Colors;
  • Photo #2:  Taylor Davenport describing his Eagle Scout project to the crowd;
  • Photos #3 & #4 are of Dylan Stewart, Wayne Davenport and Taylor Davenport properly retiring flags;
  • Photo #5: Angier Rotarian Angie Ceroli brought a flag to be retired in support of the project;
  • Photo #6: Angie Ceroli, Taylor Davenport and Tammy Farley feature the Flag Drop box in the VFW parking lot.

Flag Drop boxes are located at the outside Town Annex building the VFW and in the Angier Chamber of Commerce office.  Any flags needing ‘retirement’ can be placed in these boxes and they will be properly retired.

The Rotary Club of Angier THANKS YOU, Taylor, for your selfless service to our community.